Agreed, that the current market trend leans considerably towards online business and transactions, but even so, your existence on the web will not mean anything unless people know about you. Advertising agencies in Macon can help showcase your business in a way to ensure maximum visibility for your brand and products. If you are still not sure on how a professional marketing Macon agency can help your online business, consider going through the following facts:
- According to a survey by Oracle, “75% of in-house marketers accept that their lack of skills is impacting the revenue of the company in some way, and 74% say lack of market understanding is contributing to misalignment between the marketing and sales teams.” So, hiring a professional outside agency gets you more marketingexpertise.
- According to a leading marketing agency, “a good outsourcing partner can save 10% – 30% in their overall marketing spending.” So consider outsourcing if you want to reduce and manage your marketing costs.
- According to Forrester Research, “96% of market experts believe that the breadth of skills required to be successful in marketing has amplified considerably, and 44% feel the right combination of people and skills in the job market cannot be found.” But you don’t have to train the marketing Macon agencies when you chose to outsource.
- According to Cap Gemini, over 90% of companies lack digital skills necessary for effective online marketing. This issue can be resolved when you hire an outside expert in the field to promote your brand online.
If you outsource some or all of your marketing and advertising, you gain flexibility and can have access to trained professionals and advanced marketing technology. What more can you ask for!
Thanks for sharing this post!
ReplyDeleteYou've made some pretty convincing arguments here
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